Carole Rae Watanabe is a master painter who is not shy to go full on in whichever direction her heart seems to be carrying her…..

with colors, with a passion for contrasts, with varied subject matter, with wild experimentation in an ever changing landscape of fresh directions.

She loves her life and it is totally visible in her art.

Her logo for more than 50 years is LIVE ART LIVE ART.

Meaning she attempts to live her life as live art.

Art for buyers, consignors, and the passionately curious…

artful contemporary acrylic paintings Carole Watanabe

Abstracts Gallery

Figurative Gallery

Floral Gallery

Fur and Feathers Gallery

Landscapes Gallery

artful contemporary acrylic paintings

Still Life Gallery

artful contemporary acrylic paintings san francisco california

Placemats and More